Crushing Cushing's – a Column by Catarina Louro-Matos

Catarina is a 24-year-old post-surgery Cushing's disease survivor. She writes to support Cushing's sufferers and raise awareness of the mental health fights involved in both pre- and post-surgery life. Find her on social media: @CrushCushings.

Horrific Medical Experiences Can Cause PTSD

Hey, everyone! Cushing’s disease entails a seemingly never-ending list of issues, and some don’t ever diminish, even after surgery. Some people have surgery, heal, recover, and move on with life, never having to look back at sick days ever again. Meanwhile, others go through recovery but deal with chronic issues…

What Caregivers Should Know

Hey, everyone! Last week was another difficult one. We lost another Cushing’s survivor. I made a tribute to him on my Crush Cushing’s Facebook Page after someone close to him told me he wanted all of us to continue fighting for awareness. So, in his honor, I dedicate this post to…

Dealing with Misdiagnoses

Hey, everyone! I asked my Instagram (Crush Cushing’s) followers which topics I should cover this week. So many of you responded, so thank you for that! The most-mentioned topic? Misdiagnosis. There are a lot of unfortunate realities about Cushing’s, one being misdiagnosis. This isn’t the type of misdiagnosis where…

You’re Worth the Fight

This week’s post is a little more on the heavy side. On Easter Sunday, we lost another Cushie. This amazing woman had just released a book in December, had a launch party, and was absolutely glowing. She was fighting back after having had her life taken away. Those who knew…

How to Cope on Bad Days (Part 2)

Last week, I discussed how to cope with bad days within yourself. This week, I’ll discuss how to best tackle problems with other people. Cushing’s, and all the symptoms that come with it, is difficult to explain. It’s even more difficult for someone without Cushing’s to truly understand it. More…

How to Cope on Bad Days (Part 1)

Bad days. There are more of them than there are good when it comes to dealing with the chronic issues Cushing’s disease brings. It’s a rollercoaster of mental and physical pain, each day bringing on something new after you thought it just couldn’t possibly get any worse than it already…

What to Do If You Suspect Cushing’s

Since I began my support community, Crush Cushing’s, I’ve gotten a lot of messages from individuals asking what they can do to ensure a doctor takes them seriously enough to test for Cushing’s disease. Sometimes meeting with several endocrinologists is necessary before you meet one who believes Cushing’s is…

You Don’t Have to Do It Alone (Part 2)

Second in a series. Read part one. The day I met my endocrinologist, in June 2016, I showed up prepared with all of my research about polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). I was ready to do whatever it took to get better. Within two minutes of our appointment, he asked, “Have you…

You Don’t Have to Do It Alone (Part 1)

First in a series. On Oct. 17, 2014, my legs were covered in hives. It was the day before I was supposed to meet P.K. Subban, a hockey player, in Montreal. Little did I know that this would foreshadow my health’s future. I’m Catarina, and I’m a 24-year-old Cushing’s disease survivor.