Courageous in Cortisol – a Column by Brandy Moody

What it means to reinvent yourself after Cushing’s disease

Someone once told me that you don’t “discover” yourself, rather you “invent” yourself. I’ve found it necessary to reinvent myself countless times. With each evolution, my aim is to create an improved version of me. Each time, I hope it will be the finalized version that will provide my soul…

How pregnancy made me realize the depth of my medical trauma

Emotional scarring from Cushing’s disease wasn’t something I predicted, but everywhere I turn, I discover residual feelings from that experience. I’m 13 weeks postpartum with my first baby, and I hadn’t realized until I gave birth the extent of emotional and psychological turmoil Cushing’s put me through before…

How I Got Through My 1st Brain MRI — and You Can, Too

I don’t particularly like tight spaces that make obnoxious washer and dryer sounds, but I guess these machines come in handy if you’re trying to confirm a pituitary adenoma (or anything in the brain, really). An MRI, or magnetic resonance imaging, is an intimidating process for some. Oddly enough,…

How a Daily Self-care Routine Boosted My Confidence

Cushing’s disease has many ways of lowering our self-esteem, and self-care is crucial for building our confidence back up. I experienced symptoms such as weight gain, purple striae, moon face, a buffalo hump, and even acne. All of these issues combined meant I just wasn’t feeling beautiful…

How to Recognize Symptoms of Cushing’s Disease and PCOS

Diagnosing Cushing’s disease is a tough task, and I’m sure anyone who has gone through the diagnostic process can attest to that. Cushing’s can be cunning because its symptoms can appear as though they’re separate issues, rather than part of a bigger problem. Unfortunately, many social media…

How My Brain Tumors Changed My Perspective on Life

Years ago, the sunrise didn’t have any meaning for me. Stars were merely decoration for the sky. “There’s always tomorrow” was the mindset I used to excuse procrastination and mistakes. Raised voices and the silent treatment seemed like acceptable solutions. Every day, many of us walk around forgetting that we…