
Remote Work Benefits My Health and Recovery

In January 2016, I returned to work after having my pituitary tumor removed, through transsphenoidal surgery in November 2015 and a gamma knife procedure a month later. I figured returning to work would be a good distraction as well as a way to test how I was feeling.

Being a Good Example of Leadership

Leadership is very important to me. When I was little, my father taught me that leadership skills can be displayed in many forms. A leader is not always the loudest or the most talented person, and leadership is not about power or being able to control others. How do you…

The Difficult Side of the Healing Process

One of the biggest lessons that I learned on my Cushing’s journey was that listening to my body wasn’t always what I wanted to do, but it’s what was best for me. My journey with cyclical Cushing’s disease spanned several years, with my symptoms first appearing in 2011. I…

My Thoughts on ‘Medical Gaslighting’

How would you feel if you woke up every day feeling less and less like yourself, until one day you no longer recognized yourself? What if you told someone with the expertise and the ability to help, but their response was along the lines of, “What you’re saying isn’t true;…

The Letter to Myself I Needed to Write

Dear Me, I know what you’re thinking. There’s a desperate voice in your head begging for your body to return to the way it was before this disease. There are spiraling questions that seem to lead to no answers: “Why can’t I lose weight?” “What am I doing wrong?”…

How to Support a Loved One With Cushing’s Disease

When someone is hurting or struggling, we may find ourselves wanting to have all the answers for them. We may jump to offering solutions and making assumptions about what’s needed, but that isn’t always the best approach. Other times we may back off because we don’t know what to say…