
Fluconazole Found to Be Safe Alternative for Patient with Recurrent Cushing’s, Case Report Shows

Treatment with fluconazole after cabergoline eased symptoms and normalized cortisol levels in a patient with recurrent Cushing’s disease who failed to respond to ketoconazole, a case study reports. The case report, “Fluconazole as a Safe and Effective Alternative to Ketoconazole in Controlling Hypercortisolism of Recurrent Cushing’s Disease:…

Too Many Inflammatory Molecules Increase Risk of Heart Disease in Subclinical Cushing’s, Study Shows

High levels of inflammatory cytokines — molecules that mediate the body’s immune response — may increase the risk of metabolic and heart disease in subclinical Cushing’s syndrome patients, a retrospective study shows. The study, “Adipokine and cytokine levels in patients with adrenocortical cancer, subclinical Cushing’s syndrome and healthy controls,”…