
US Patient Groups Give Thumbs-Up to Rule Against Surprise Billing

The National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) is applauding the Biden administration for announcing a rule to protect consumers from surprise medical billing, in a joint statement with 26 other U.S. patient organizations. The interim final rule will implement patient protections required by the No Surprises Act. Surprise…

Partnership Aims to Lower Out-of-Pocket Costs for Rare Disease Meds

AllianceRx Walgreens Prime, a specialty and home delivery pharmacy, is partnering with TailorMed, a healthcare technology company, to help lower out-of-pocket prescription costs for specialty pharmacy patients. Medications attained through specialty pharmacies are those used to treat rare and chronic conditions in the U.S., and are often extremely costly. For…

Imaging Tests Mislead Physicians in Diagnosing Cushing’s Patient

Blood tests should be performed before imaging examinations when Cushing’s syndrome is suspected, to prevent misdiagnosis, a recent case report study suggests. The report described the case of a 24-year-old woman with elevated cortisol levels and a pituitary tumor, in which an imaging test misled doctors into believing she had…

Nominations Open for 2022 Eurordis Black Pearl Awards

Nominations are now open for the worldwide 2022 Black Pearl Awards from Eurordis-Rare Diseases Europe. The 12 award categories recognize individual advocates, policy makers, researchers, organizations, and companies who work to make a difference for the global rare disease community. The deadline for nominations is Sept. 10…

Glucocorticoid Use Tied to Complications in Exogenous Cushing’s Patient

A man with exogenous, or therapy-related, Cushing’s syndrome, caused by long-term glucocorticoid use for Crohn’s disease, developed adrenal insufficiency after going into septic shock, a case study reported. This case highlights the dangers of adrenal insufficiency in patients on long-term glucocorticoid therapy during severe illness, and the need for quick…

Excess Thyroid Hormones Can Be Rare Complication After Surgery

Thyrotoxicosis, or abnormally high levels of thyroid hormones in the body, is a rare complication that can occur in people with Cushing’s disease who undergo tumor-removal surgery, a new report highlights. The study, “Management of thyrotoxicosis occurring after surgery for Cushing’s disease: a case series,” was…