Crushing Cushing's – a Column by Catarina Louro-Matos

Catarina is a 24-year-old post-surgery Cushing's disease survivor. She writes to support Cushing's sufferers and raise awareness of the mental health fights involved in both pre- and post-surgery life. Find her on social media: @CrushCushings.

An Open Letter to Cushing’s Disease Caregivers

Note: I wrote other letters to patients awaiting diagnosis, those who have received surgery, and those who are years post-surgery. You can read them here. Dear Caregivers, On behalf of the Cushing’s community, thank you. Thank you for everything you do for the person you care for…

An Open Letter to Veteran Cushing’s Survivors

Note: I wrote two previous Cushing’s letters to patients awaiting diagnosis and those who have received surgery. You can read them here. Dear Cushing’s Survivor Veteran, How have the past years been treating you? I hope with more good than bad. I’m just under two years post-operation,…

An Open Letter to New Cushing’s Survivors

Note: I wrote a letter to Cushing’s patients last week. If you’re currently awaiting treatment, click here to read it. I also will write a letter soon for those a couple of years or more into remission. Dear Cushing’s Survivor, You made it. You made it past the…

An Open Letter to Cushing’s Patients

Note to readers: I will be writing a few of these, so please don’t feel as though your portion of the journey isn’t acknowledged 🙂 Dear Fellow Cushing’s Patients: You’re currently struggling, and struggling probably doesn’t even feel like it allows anyone to grasp what you’re currently…

My Go-to Resources for Information and Support

  Hey everyone! This week, I want to get onto the topic of online support pages and medical resources for Cushing’s. A lot of people turn to support pages for full-on medical advice — and let’s be real here, only a medical professional can give out proper medical advice.

With Cushing’s, You’re Your Own Hero

Hey, everyone! Another week has come and gone and it’s either been a good week, a bad week, or a subpar week in which things went decently or they didn’t. Hopefully, your week went well for the most part. As someone who has gone through Cushing’s, needed support, and now…