
Minimally invasive surgery may be effective for Cushing’s: Study

Partial adrenalectomy, or the removal of only a portion of the adrenal gland containing a tumor instead of the entire gland, using a minimally invasive procedure is safe and feasible in people with Cushing’s syndrome and other conditions, according to a study in Germany. The procedure, called posterior retroperitoneoscopic partial…

Disease symptoms, surgery outcomes vary with patient age

Older Cushing’s disease patients less frequently present classical symptoms of the disease, and have more coexistent conditions and larger tumors than those who develop the disease at a younger age. That’s according to a study that analyzed patients at several sites in the U.S. who underwent surgery to…

Thyroid cancer causes Cushing’s syndrome in man in his 30s

A rare and aggressive form of thyroid cancer caused Cushing’s syndrome in a man in his 30s, according to a case report. “This case underscores the complexity of diagnosing and managing ectopic Cushing’s syndrome, particularly when it is secondary to a rare malignancy,” researchers wrote. The case report, “…

Corcept asks FDA to OK relacorilant for Cushing’s syndrome

Corcept Therapeutics has asked the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to approve relacorilant for people with endogenous Cushing’s syndrome. “Relacorilant’s combination of efficacy and safety give it the potential to become the standard of care for the medical treatment of patients with hypercortisolism,” Joseph Belanoff, MD, CEO…

Relacorilant found safe, effective in long-term extension study

Long-term treatment with relacorilant led to a sustained decrease in blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and body weight in people with Cushing’s syndrome, new data from an extension study shows. The extension study (NCT03604198) is assessing relacorilant’s long-term safety and efficacy in 116 people with Cushing’s who completed…

Korlym reduces blood sugar in Cushing’s patients with diabetes

Korlym (mifepristone) significantly reduced levels of hemoglobin A1c, a marker that reflects blood sugar levels over the previous months, in people with Cushing’s syndrome and difficult-to-control type 2 diabetes. That’s according to new data from a Phase 4 clinical trial, CATALYST (NCT05772169), which screened 1,057 patients with difficult-to-control…

ACBP protein links cortisol to Cushing’s symptoms: Mouse study

A protein called ACBP mediates the relationship between elevated levels of cortisol, the hallmark feature of Cushing’s syndrome, and the development of associated symptoms, according to a mouse study led by researchers in France. Using several methods to suppress ACBP activity, the researchers abolished Cushing’s signs in the mice —…

Cushing’s patients have soft bones, even after remission: Study

People with Cushing’s syndrome have soft bones, even after being in remission for a long time, a study reported. Despite having comparable bone mineral density, a standard measure of bone health based on its mineral content, Cushing’s patients in remission scored significantly lower on the material strength index (BMSi), an…